Saturday, April 2, 2016

Clandestine Guardianship

The basic concept of the Establishment might legitimately be summarized as clandestine guardianship. The guardianship part comes from Plato, and the clandestine part comes from the necessity of carrying out the guardianship in the midst of an open democratic society.

Fortunately there was great precedent for this how this would look One had to fall back only to model of Europe around the time of Napoleon, and to the era of the conduct of statecraft behind closed doors and in private. 

The idea then was how to create such a class of people in America, who could guide America through the shoals of democracy while retaining her natural place of leadership in the world (which everyone agreed was a good thing).

The path to creating such a class, as we have seen, lay in the ability of the American would-be ruling to emulate, and ultimately fuse with, the late Victorian British version. Quigley has shown this is how the Anglo-American Establishment was created, spearheaded by the genius of certain individuals on both sides of the ocean.

But this was not yet what we call today the Establishment, because it had not yet ascended into being a true ruling class within America.  The creation of the Establishment as we know it today required something very big: a huge world-wide war.

"For some unexplained reason Hitler declared war on the United States, which relieved Roosevelt of all his difficulties."

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