Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Practicing Madman

 Last fall after the election I was corresponding with friend Stefan, who is Swedish and lives in Switzerland. I was telling him about the election fraud, and how the various states were stolen, and that we had reached a 1776 moment in America. I told him we had to find a way to stop the fraud, or else the country was lost. He believed me---he's a patriot---but he was skeptical that anything could be done. He thought it was a lost cause to try to roll back the "Biden victory."

I hadn't corresponded with him since then. This week I decided to email him with an attempt at an update. It wasn't an easy thing to do. I had to start out by telling him that I barely felt like the same person as I was six months ago.

I told him he had been right about the election being a lost cause. I have no problem admitting I am wrong. I am wrong more often that I am right. My judgment is very poor on a lot of things.

This time I tried to report to him not what I believe so much as what people on our side believe, especially in regard to Devolution and the idea that Trump is still in charge, and that Biden is not recognized by the military as the President. I told him about the Arizona audit, and how it is going to be a nuclear earthquake. 

I had to write him two emails. In the first one I sounded like a madman. So I had to write a second one. Practice makes perfect.

I'm glad I wrote him when I did. Had I let any more time go by, before bringing him up to speed, I don't think I would make any sense at all.

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