Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Leftist Rebuke

If any of my Leftist (i.e. liberal) friends were to read any of my recent comments (which is unlikely at this point), no doubt their reply to me would be something along the lines of "F@@@ YOU!"

Yes, I get it. But I would tell them: you're repeating yourself. Don't you have anything else to say?

Oh, yes. Let's not forget the parade of -IST insults they will always hurl, as if they are saying something that has any meaning at all.

"You disgust me for supporting RACIST, MISOGYNIST, FASCIST, BIGOTED, etc. ideologies and candidates."

Excuse me while I yawn. Heard it all before, and have left closer friendships than you over it. I've gotten used to it. Doesn't bother much anymore. It's your loss.

You really think your ""killing words" have any power anymore? Bwa ha ha ha ha.

All they do is convince me (and many, many others) how deeply in denial you are about your own ideology and candidates. All of those words are your projections of the things you believe, onto others.

Leftists are the racists. They think black people and Hispanics are inferior to white people and not capable of competing with white people. Of course they also hate their own whiteness too. But they think they own minorities and are entitled to their support for liberal causes. Woe betide the black person who strays from their dogma. He or she is hunted down with a pack of Leftist slavecatcher dogs and returned ASAP to the thought plantation.

Leftists are the misogynists. They hate women and femininity, and seek to destroy it. They think of women as children who need coddling and special treatment at every turn. They want to turn all women into pseudo-men. They honor only masculine traits and want women to ape men as much as possible out of sense of historical "fairness." They don't care if it makes women miserable doing that, so long as it satisfies their warped sense of equality.

Leftists are the fascists. They want jackbooted government to enforce their will and make others obey them. They are quite open about this. But as long as they are doing it in any "nationalistic" way, then they can be as brutally thuggish as they want in their minds, because to them nationalism has been defined as fascism (by the globalists, of course).

Leftists are the hateful bigots. They pretty much hate everyone who doesn't agree with them, and brook no dissent. Their response to disagreement is "F@@@ YOU" (see first paragraph).

You want to see a REALLY ANGRY person? YOU WANT TO SEE ABSOLUTE RAGE? Tell a Leftist you disagree with them. Then watch the fireworks. Watch how easily they will throw out decades of friendship over it. Learn how little you care to them, in the end. They hate themselves so deeply, so how could it be otherwise?

I've spent years holding my tongue around so many Leftists, out of a sense of preserving friendships and keeping the peace. But I realize it is all for nought in the end. The miserable soul of most Leftists means they are a big black hole, and nothing is ever going to change. You can agree with everything they say for ten years running, but disagree once, and you will hear those magic words of rebuke: "F@@@ YOU." You will hear them even before you open your mouth, because they will announce pre-emptively that anyone who holds certain opinions is beyond the pale, and deserves only contempt.

OK. Contempt away. I don't care anymore. I'm done caring about the reaction. There's nothing I can do for them, except to deliver my own rebuke back at them.

Thank God that others rebuked me in my Leftist foolishness once upon a time. But for that Grace, I might still be trapped in the ideology of ignorance and misery.

Bless you all. I mean that.

Come over to our side, the side of LOVE FOR YOURSELF AND FOR HUMANITY. You'll feel much better. And you'll have sooooooo much fun skewering Leftists, knowing exactly what is going on in their head.

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