Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Götterdämmerung of Pop Culture

As the thug Hillary Clinton is paraded around on her last tour, scaring the kids like a deflated Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon, barely recognizable from the cuddly features it was supposed to represent, my favorite part of the whole process is the braying line of celebrities---musicians, actors, directors, etc.---who have come forth to express their contempt of anyone voting for Donald Trump.

I love this part in particular because it demonstrates two things

1. How much the Establishment is tied up with Pop Culture, such that the two are one and the same at this point.

2. How Pop Culture is going down in flames with the Establishment.

I thank Bernard Chapin for pointing out how much Liberalism is completely tied up with Pop Culture. Liberals are obsessed with Pop Culture references. Everything that has meaning to them must ultimately be tied to something from Pop Music, Television, or the Movies. Everything.

Liberals remind me much of the race of people from the Star Trek: The Next Generation, the ones who can only talk in mythological references. Since that itself is a Pop Culture reference, liberals should well know what I am talking about.

Pop Culture is to liberals what the Bible is too hard-core Evangelical conservatives (I had hard-core, because unlike what liberals will tell you, most Evangelical Christians have succumbed to the Pop Culture Uber Alles mentality as well. The Christians just remain the convenient whipping boy so that liberals can feel familiar, while the Christians plead for understanding that they just need a little more time to get used to the things liberals want to do).

In other words, Pop Culture is the canon of liberalism. The values of Pop Culture on television reflect, and must always reflect, the values of liberalism.

But it's ending. Pop Culture has been disintegrating in America for decades. It came to dominate the world, but it dominates now mainly because of the past. That past is receding, and it has not been renewed. In ten years no one is going to give a damn about Miley Cyrus of Beyonce. But they will still remember Marilyn Monroe, and still be talking about her. There is no one from today who will be remembered over time.

Such is the futile sand foundation upon which Pop Culture as a canon of liberal religion is built. The advantage of the Bible was that no matter what you think of it, it was formed and hones over centuries into a coherent message that has stood the test of time over centuries.

Pop Culture is an incoherent mess of violence and lewdness that offers nothing but confusion and misery to its adherents over, and which is collapsing itself as we speak.

So go ahead, celebrities. I love it when I see another come out, step forward, and tell the world how they are going use their bully pulpit to put a stop to Donald Trump. They just mark themselves as one more asshole I'll never have to pay attention to, forever.

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