Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hillary's Slogan: "Stronger Together---as Bullies"

The attack on the homeless woman protecting Donald Trump's Hollywood star could be chalked up as sad were it not so typical of many incidents in which Trump supporters have faced violence from the Left during this election cycle, ranging from the mowing down election signs by cars to outright gang violence against Trump supporters at rallies (some of it paid for by the Clinton campaign).

One theme that emerges is how proud and shameless the attackers and criminals are in these cases. They feel quite righteous in what they are doing. They expect praise for what they do. This is very telling of the state of liberalism right now.

Bullies need the support of others. Would any of these thugs have the guts do perform their assaults if they did not inherently expect applause from the crowd around them, or from the digital mob on Facebook and Youtube?

The person who shot the video of the woman getting assaulted in Los Angeles proudly stated in the original Youtube description that the woman was getting her deserved "beatdown from a Latina."

Likewise I have seen multiple instances of liberals who have undertaken sign stealing expeditions, removing Trump signs from front yards, or mowing them down with their cars, while video taping the whole thing and uploading it to Youtube. They naively expectedonly praise and honor. Classic "virtue signaling."

But is that irrational of them? Why shouldn't they expect praise? They have the media cheering them on, telling them "Drumpf" is an abomination who must be stopped, and that Trump supporters are downright evil. Imagine their astonishment when it turned out to be they who wound up in handcuffs! The injustice of it all! WTF?

Hillary Clinton's slogan, "Stronger Together," is thus a perfect reflection of the mentality of the Left. Whenever I hear it, I imagine the old symbol of that the Socialists adopted in Sicily a hundred years ago to represent their movement, of a bundle of together by a cord. This was the fasces of ancient Roman, and this precisely why, as the Socialists emerged into power in Italy, they kept the symbol and proudly called themselves Fascists.

"Stronger together" is thus the motto that Mussolini's henchmen marked under. Like so many thuggish things, it started as a Leftist symbol, but when it became awkward for them, the Left abandoned it and turned it into weapon that they, and only they, are allowed to slap on their opponents, even if the comparison is ridiculous.

Today, "Stronger Together" means that liberals, in the herd mentality, can pat themselves on the back as being righteous, proclaiming themselves to be the persecuted descendants of the lunch counter protests of the 1960s and the civil rights marches, even as their tactics more resemble Bull Connor. In their minds, this gives them license to do whatever it takes to fight the "hate" of their opponents.

But this wouldn't work in isolation. No individual could sustain such an ideology over time and get away it. But when they are "bundled together," they become strong. They become a weapon. They reinforce the idea of their righteousness with each other, and when they gather in crowds, they feel perfectly justified in using their fists to get their way.

This is one reason why Hillary needs not only to lose the election but to get blown out in a landslide.  The only thing bullies respect is when they know they are outnumbered.

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