Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Leaving the Facebook Sewer

I've been defriending people on Facebook lately at a glorious clip, and it feels great. What began for six years ago as a fun way to reconnect with folks I once knew, over the various epochs of my life, somehow turned into a filthy nightware of being beholden to the attention of opinions of people I left behind a long time ago, but somehow came back into my life and dragged me back into a morass of serpentine collectivism and liberal opinion thuggery.

At some point a couple years ago, I came to compare Facebook to a high school (and college) reunion in which they had locked the doors of the auditorium and not allowed anyone to leave, like a horror movie.

Or---to perhaps build a more comprehensive analogy---Facebook as a phenomenon is a giant digital refugee camp into which we have all been herded at the Zombiepocalypse End of Civilization. We are crammed together inside the digital fence, next to all the people we have ever known, yelling at each other and screaming for the one commodity which is values above all else---attention from other people. 

I've been going along with all for a while, all the while planning my escape.  Part of this escape involves a mass defriending of anyone who is not a family member or a very close friend. That's just stage one. I don't want to ever back go, and this is a good way of burning bridges. I've also desubscribed from almost everyone in my feed, but I don't want them seeing my posts either. I don't want them thinking about me at all. I want to recede away in their consciousness as a dim memory of someone they remember from a long time ago. That's the way it is supposed to happen. That's the world we have lost.

I'm taking my digital bolt cutters and heading towards the wire soon. See you in St. Louie.

At this point, I can't imagine ever going to another real high school or college reunion. As it stands now, I've had my fill of reunions. I'm declaring my independence from all of that. There are tiny group of people I plan to stay in contact with, whom I still count as friends.

But I will leave the rest of the liberals thugs to argue in their posts as if it is still 1983, and they are deciding who is cool and who isn't next to their lockers by the landing. You are ghosts to me now, and I will be a ghost to you.

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