Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Democratic Party Now In Ruins

First female nominee of a major party. Today, many of my liberal friends are having hard meltdowns .  Even Bill Clinton got panned. The reality that it is all over, and the party is going to lose big in November is setting in. It is hitting people I know in various ways, and they are not happy.

I feel a lot of compassion for my liberal brothers and sisters. I know this isn't easy for them. I went through it myself. I'd love to be able to share the road back to happiness and peace with them, but I don't think most of them want to hear about it right now.

I would tell them that it isn't going to be nearly as bad as you think. Much of what they imagine is going to happen is a fantasy, constructed by their complete misinterpretation of the Trump Revolution. Some of them actually act like George W. Bush won the nomination.

I suspect a lot of my friends will actually come to admire and like Donald Trump as President (just as many of his fervent supporters will be let down, although they will certainly many things they want as well).

In the meantime, as the Democratic Party burns to the ground,  and folks flee to various refugee centers (Trump, Johnson, Stein, BLM, etc.), the ones left in the burning edifice will ratchet up the discourse as they hash out who is most to blame for all of this. Everyone is a suspect in this crime (right now White Males for Bernie are at the top of the list). Everyone is blameworthy except, of course, themselves.*

*Edit: liberals are willing to blame themselves the debacle. It takes the form of "I didn't speak out enough. I didn't call out bigotry/racism/misogyny enough, etc." It is usually followed by a resolution to one's comrades to double down on finger wagging at the haters.

The Democrats came to Philadelphia to build a big bonfire to celebrate the success of the Obama Revolution by burning the party down. When everything was in place, Sarah Silvermann lit the match and everyone started to ooh and ahh.

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