Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bernie's Supporters Going Hard to Trump

Yes, you're reading that right. The Richter level of this event is much higher than I thought.

I would not have believed Hillary could pull off driving so many Berniecrats away from the party so quickly, with such disgust that that readily embrace a Trump presidency---even over Jill Stein and Gary Johnson in many cases, perhaps with Trump winning the plurality.

Why? Because they want to win, and they want to see the Democratic Party burn to the ground.  Trump is going to do that for them. They have figured out that a Trump victory will let them take over the Party. They see it as win-win.

It's too late for even the ghost of a chance for Hillary.

The WikiLeaks coming up will be the coup de grace, people are saying. I don't know. Perhaps it could be the Nixon moment when even her hardest of  her hard-core supporters throws in the towel.  We'll see. Perhaps this entire election will be effectively over, sooner than we think.

Now wouldn't that be grand?

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