Monday, January 23, 2017

This is How We Get to Civil War

The Left thinks the Right are Nazis. The Right are thus deserving of no consideration of dialogue. They are deserving only of contempt, and now, of violence.

The Right welcomes the violent attacks on them. They know that the Left thinks they can get away with anything, because both sides know that the Left has the privilege of having the media, the law, and society backing them up---for now.

The Right wants the Left to attack more, because eventually the Left will attack so hard that it will morally justify a response from the Right. They are waiting for this.

Some on the Left sense that this newfound advocacy of violence will not be to their best interests in the long run. They call for moderation. Let's be respectful.

These voices will be drowned out, however, because any attempt by the Left to retreat from full-contact confrontation must necessarily imply something along the lines of "Perhaps Trump isn't so evil after all." One can imagine how that will be taken. There will always be other voices that say What the Fuck! Are you guys actually trying to have a dialog with Nazi-KKK-Fascists!? FUCK THAT!

The Right waits, knowing its day will come. This is the biggest example of yet of Godwin's Law, that the Left is losing. Their cry of "But they really ARE Nazis!!" doesn't work. Never go full Nazi. They did. They will lose.

Are you going to be the one to tell her she needs to tone it down?

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