Monday, January 30, 2017

There Will Be Blood in the Killing Fields of La-La Land

"We will...punch some people in the face...We will do it all with soul, with heart..."

From an anthropological point of view, this is a fascinating video. Have you ever seen, in your lifetime, a more enthusiastic endorsement by a crowd of a call for violence than this? I haven't. Even liberals wouldn't claim he is speaking metaphorically anymore. In the old days, they would have pooh-poohed it away. We are beyond that. Everyone knows that only real blood will satisfy them.

Everyone knows too that liberals know they are 100% in the right. They are gleeful that they get to challenge "evil." They savor a future of no-holds-barred confrontation against their enemies, i.e. the Nazis. For their opponents have no soul and no heart.

It's a vampire-like hunger that they have tasted.  History shows that once it reaches a certain stage, there are two ways it is eventually satisfied (1) by mass killings of millions of their enemies (i.e. the Cambodia scenario), or (2) by getting bloodied and hurt themselves (i.e. getting punched back).

Are we yet at that point of no return? It's getting harder to say that we aren't. In the event of Scenario 1, it is important to remember than the blood lust doesn't matter if the enemies that are destroyed are the enemies that they originally wanted to kill (since they want to avoid Scenario 2). In the end, any enemy will do. Even you.

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