Friday, April 16, 2021

The Return of Blogs

 A year ago I remember telling someone that I had a blog. It felt a little awkward, like a throwback to 2002. Who has a blog anymore? The long-form of the written word is dead in the age of quick social media takes, it seemed.

Not anymore. All of a sudden everyone is talking about blogs. You need a blog was one of the new videos I watched today from one of my favorite tech channels on Youtube. Of course he meant a tech-oriented blog, not the kind of rambling free-form narrative that I do here. 

Nevertheless the Return of Blogs is startling. It makes sense to me, for some of the reason I described in my previous post. Our media patterns are changing at rates that few can accommodate in their psyches. Old reliable forms come back.

I think it has a lot to do with the ongoing implosion of social media, driven partly by the overbearing totalitarian oversight of the tech giants who limit what can be said. People are hungry for real content. Video is exploding, but it is really audio, because the spoken word of Youtube videos is actually more important than the visual.  

So the visual is shifting back to the long-form written word. 

It makes me wonder---should I start a blog? I mean, a real one that people would actually read? Is this 2003? I lose track of the year at times. Are we spiraling into some end times helix where everything goes in and out of fashion in rapid cycling manner? The youngsters are nimble at adopting new forms, but even they get behind the times before they are out of their teenage years. Who among us can stay sane through this?

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