Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The True Meaning of a Vacation

Easter dinner at my sister's place was marvelous. It was great to see the whole family, and to play with the kids again after so many months.

I wasn't sure what they thought of all the postcards I'd sent, but it turns out they were collecting them all. It has been part of my life mission to allow my nieces and nephews to experience the sensation and event of receiving physical mail, with handwritten address, canceled postage.

I wound up staying at her place much longer than I thought, but the time passed very quickly. I even got into a little routine of walking over to the Walnut Creek shops to work at the Starbuck's there.

The biggest pitfall was all that Easter candy, which I was helpless to resist. But after so many months of various new health regimens, I was curious to see what happened if I went off for a couple weeks and gorged on sugar, as I used to.

It's a dangerous game, letting yourself go just long enough to see the effect. But if you have in your head, "that's the way I used to be," and see that self almost as someone else, then it feels a lot easier to pick up where you left off before the break.

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