Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Perfect Getaway

To catch up on a few other movies, I went up to my favorite multiplex in the DC area, which is the Egyptian 24 in the Arundel Mills Mall just south of Baltimore. It's a grandiose palace in a grandiose shopping center.

When I bought a ticket for The Perfect Getaway, I was under the impression that it was a romantic comedy for which I'd seen trailers. As I watched the previews before the movie, the trailer I was thinking of came on, and I realized I had no idea what movie I was about to see.

This was actually a very good thing, because it turns out to be a horror movie, set in Hawaii. I hardly want to talk about it, because I had such a good time seeing it in ignorance. It surprised me at every time and kept me riveted. Even though I suspected the big twist, it nevertheless worked very well.

No ancient curses. No ghosts. Mild bloodshed, but lots of really, juicy tension. That's all I have to say. If you like horror, this is one of the more enjoyable movies of the year so far.

Plenty of self-reference about horror movies, in a Postmodern way, because of the characters is a screenwriter. But it works in this case.

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