Saturday, August 29, 2009

District 9

My friend and host Howard wanted to see this, as did Seth, one of his housemates here in Silver Spring. I was pleased to have a whole group of six us to go to the nice fancy Regal multiplex in downtown Silver Spring, with escalators and multiple floors, and stadium seating.

There's been a lot of good talk about District 9, and I would probably echo much of it. I liked the way the story was told, even though I don't usually enjoy "alien" movies much anymore, because I think the genre is so overdone. I enjoyed the way the narrative started out as a documentary, but then switched over to omniscient viewpoint part of the way through, giving a heterogeneous feel to the plot.

It didn't blow me away, as it did some other people, but it was one of the better movies of the summer. Very good special effects, and social commentary (which is what good sci-fi should do).

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