Thursday, May 4, 2023

Live on Stage---Yours Truly

 We arrived back home in Scottsdale from our twelve-day voyage refreshed and joyful from the experience. As it was Wednesday afternoon, I had but a few hours to settle in before I had to do my weekly scheduled podcast with Patrick on Badlands called Spellbreakers. I had done one show from the hotel in Santa Fe the week before with my portable we camera.

Then in the last weekend of April, I was able to attends the Badlands conference held in Chandler (a suburb of Phoenix) at which most of the Badlands personnel, including most of the podcasters of the dozen-plus shows, were present. The format of the conference was not individual speakers but panels of various mixes and matches of the presenters. Having been not sure I would attend,  for various reasons, I was late to the party and had placed on several panels already--one on holistic health, and the other on logic. 

The format turned out to be better than I expected. I recognized many folks in attendance who had also been at Patrick's Threadfest conferences in Nashville and in Fort Worth, where I had spoken as a presenter. It was a big reunion, although the crowd skewed slightly younger. Patrick himself was there too, of course, although he was relieved to be just an attendee and not running the show. Among other things, he doesn't have to worry about being stuck with the bill for the rooms that were not booked as part of the package deal with Hilton. 

I left the conference feeling much better about my podcast as a whole, having gotten much encouragement from people I met there who watched the show. In the end, I have the same craving as any performer to be appreciated by fans. One never gets enough of it.

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