Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Deconstruction: Act Two (Final)

What a deep dive into history that was. It was quite an indulgence on my part. That was barely nothing of the real threads of human history, of course.

But a thread it is. Having a thread---any thread---turns out to be of great importance in the constructing the story. As you obtain more things, you can attach them to the thread you have made.

That should be enough material to chew on for Act Two of Deconstruction. It might take the form of many streaming video series seasons, exploring the nooks and crannies of the past of human history.

We ourselves can be characters in the story. Inasmuch as I dwell on myself, it is to highlight the ordinariness of my life.

Act Three--I'm not sure what that is yet. Will be taking a break from it at the very least, and it will come to me when it is ripe to be understood.

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