Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Obama Deception

UPDATE: High-res full-length version available here.

Since I'm wearing that Rorschach mask, I might as well address this one...

What I'm about to write is surely going to royally piss off some of my Democratic liberal friends. But I must admit: I am a huge fan of Alex Jones.

Say what you want to about him---he's a bit pompous at times, to be sure---but the guy is one of the few people out there covering some of the most important issues of our time, things that are being completely ignored by the corporate puppet media, but which I believe will be obvious to future historians as being the critical issues of the early 21st Century.

From everything I can see, he actually does his homework, and contrary to what many people think, he is sufficiently skeptical and balanced to be a good filter for finding the truth. It weren't for him, we'd have virtual radio silence about some of the most important political and economic issues determining how we will live in the future.

Back in Austin in the 1990s, Jacques and I used to watch him on access cable. Jones was just out of high school and getting started on his long journey. Jacques was in film production and knew the same crowd, and we thought of him as part of the Austin fringe ecology that all of us, in way or another, were part of.

But now I'm an avid follower of Jones, having come independently, through long painstaking research, to many of the same conclusions about geopolitics as he has. In fact, I could probably tell him a thing or two that he doesn't even know yet, things that Thor and I found out that really blew our minds.

Now about The Obama Deception, Jones' new two-hour documentary which was just released this week, the latest of many such documentaries that Jones has made. First of all, although you can order a high quality version online, you can also watch it for free on Youtube split into twelve 10-minute segments (due to Youtube's limitations on length). You just have to tab/search for the next segment after each one is done.

You can also watch the whole two hours at once here at Google Video, but I'll continue to refer to the specific Youtube segments here.

I'd seen much of the material before, on Youtube and elsewhere, but it was excellent to see it compiled again, especially the 2008 Bilderberg Group summit. Jones's graphic description of the Bilderberg authority chain, along with Webster Griffin Tarpley's description of the actual mechanics of the financial elite in Part 4 was one of the best I have ever heard on the subject.

The history of the rise of the shadow banking system the Twentieth Century in Part 8 was also one of the most succinct and informative I have heard. You can tell that Jones has had a long time to polish his message and get his facts down pat.

I've personally verified much of what he has to say, at least as much as I can through factual historical background research. But here it's all so clear, it just makes me want to wretch all over again.

By the time you get to Part 9, about the plan for the Bank of the World, if you aren't sufficiently scared, then, well, I don't know what to say.

Webster Tarpley doesn't believe in man-made Global Warming (that's a heresy strong enough to close many minds I know), but whether or not you accept global warming as man-made doesn't really matter at all in this case, because the global financial elite are already openly planning to use the threat of global warming to control us in a big way through ubiquitous regulations and taxes imposed by supranational global organizations. Along with the "Greatest Depression" crisis now unfolding at their making, the belief that "anything must be done" to save us from Global Warming will become their greatest tool of control over us.

Just as Bush basically told us that "to save us from terror, we have to give up our freedoms," we will increasingly hear that that "to save us from global warming, we have to give up our freedoms." Of course they won't phrase it quite like that. It will be more in the form of having to cede national sovereignty to unelected global organizations. This has been their one overriding unrelenting drumbeat for almost a century, in one form or another. It is the solution they offer to every problem. In 2009, they are beginning to see that their goal is in sight, if they can just get us to go along with the final steps.

In the film, there's also the irrascible Jesse, whom I just love. There's a great quote from him about the U.S. political system being much like the theater of pro wrestling.

And of course, there's also my man Dennis K, to whom I gave money and for whom I flew the flag outside my apartment all last spring. On the day he dropped out of the race, I turned my yard sign inside out to all black, and kept it that way for a month in mourning.

By the way, this is a great stealth video (available on disk) to send to any of your fascist right-wing Republican friends who think Obama is a raving socialist. They will love the title, but then be suckered when they learn the truth about the Bush family being the greatest criminals of all time.

One thing I didn't like was Gerald Celente's parroting of the long debunked fake Lincoln quote supposedly warning about the day when "corporations have been enthroned." I usually like Celente, but the real Lincoln would never have said anything remotely close to that, since he was arguably the greatest advocate of centralized corporate rule in American history up to that point (Lincoln was a complex dude). That was the entire point of the Whig/Republican party (how little things really change).

It's not easy for me to admit that I was suckered by Obama. I spent most of the spring of 2008 cheering him on, while cursing at the media for being so flagrantly worshipful of Hillary Clinton. But the evidence in The Obama Deception (starting with all the already-broken promises and deceptions in Part 5) is pretty straightforward.

If you were an Obama supporter, it sure felt so damn good to see the Republicans get clobbered. I just loved seeing Sarah Palin go down in righteous flames. Who wouldn't? There was nothing like it ever.

But that was then. I wanted him to win so badly. But I think I was very wrong about him. I didn't want to see the truth about him. Now I'm ironically thankful that the absentee ballot screwup by my county registrar saved me from having to vote for him. How twisted is that?

My belief is now that the longer you stick with Obama, the more heartbreaking it is going to be, when the truth finally smacks you in the face. Believe me, I know your pain. I spent my life waiting for a guy like him to trounce the evildoers. To admit openly I've been conned so deeply is not easy. To make it worse, I probably knew better the whole damn time, but I kept telling myself that maybe I was wrong, that he wasn't a Judas Goat, and that he was just catering to the elite to deceive them until he got elected, but he would be "different" once he was in power.

Meanwhile they are going to keep talking about the scumbag fascist thug Rush Limbaugh at every chance they get. They know that you just hate Limbaugh, and since Limbaugh hates Obama, if you hate Obama, you must be pro-Limbaugh, right? Feels disgusting, doesn't it? That's the diabolical eddy that will keep you in darkness. That's how the right-left spectrum works to keep you enslaved. They know what your hopes are. They know what your hates are. They will promise you everything, and then enslave you.

Of course, you can chose not to watch this or believe it, if you want. You can tell me I'm full of crap and that Obama is everything beautiful that we thought he was going to be. I actually hope you're right, but from what I see, I don't think you are. That's your privilege and right to believe that. I won't argue with you, if you think I'm nuts.

But if you want to convince me otherwise, first watch Jones' whole documentary, and afterward, you better have your facts lined up if you want to change my mind. I'm sorry, but your feelings about Obama don't count in my book. That's exactly how the evangelical hatemongers felt about Bush. Remember how easy it was to see how deluded they were? Surely you're smarter than they are?

But hey, that is Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel on the video tape in Part 10 saying that if you're on the fascist and arbitrary no-fly list, you won't be allowed to buy a handgun in America because "your right to bear arms is cancelled." If you still think that's a good thing, than I have nothing much I can say to you.

And yes, I have indeed read Richard Hofstadter's excellent essay and agree with much of what he says.

It's comforting to believe the Obama Myth for the time being. Sure, Jones is just a raving lunatic, right? This has all been debunked, right? Right?

One thing I disagree with Jones about is that he loathed the movie Watchmen because he saw the ending as "in your face propaganda for the Illuminati." He cites Alan Moore's supposed Masonic-style satanism as proof of this. I see his point, but I took the ending as irony, like a Twilight Zone episode.

Moreover, as I've said, I don't think it matters. Art always subverts power. It subverts even when it is supposedly enslaved to it. It is the nature of the chaotic force within art, that even when it tries to buttress repression, it works against it. At least that's my view. That's why I keep going to Hollywood movies. So in a way, it doesn't matter what the "intention" of Watchmen was.

OK. Enough of being Rorschach for now. I apologize if I've offended, but I had to come out of the closet.

Anyway, after four days of a bad head cold, I think I'm ready to head out to movie theaters again to see regular movies. There's a new Hollywood release about space aliens that just came out...

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