Sunday, December 21, 2008

Year-end lists: Bah, Humbug

The Internets are suddenly full of every blogger's year-end list of best and worst movies of 2008. Don't expect any such list from me any time soon, except maybe a tentative one in a couple weeks (maybe by Golden Globes time). Given that I've vowed to see all the releases from this year in some form or another, it would be highly disingenuous to pass judgment when there are still so many I haven't seen, either because I missed them during the first five months of the year, or they haven't been released yet.

Speaking of that last thing, I've noticed that half the movies on many people's "best" lists are ones that haven't made it to theaters near me. I feel so left out! What an injustice, after all the furious work I've put it, seeing so many movies. I thought for sure that this year I would seen them all. Alas, not so.

I'm convinced that most of these lists are highly deficient, especially the "worst" ones, because of the titles missing from them. Anyone making such (tentative) lists should declare which movies they haven't seen yet. I certainly will be doing that when I get around to it.

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