Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Importance of Nice Clothes

 In the midst of all this Godlessness, tomorrow I fly to Northern California to attend a wedding. It has been very stressful at work---multiple rounds of layoffs leaving a skeleton crew, and tomorrow will be as such, but I am to board a plane at noon and from when we arrive at the hotel, I will not have the luxury of being in a bad mood, or being tired. I will be all smiles. I will call no attention to myself that is undue.

I wlll see multiple old friends, some of whom I have not seen in many years, from before I left Facebook, and stopped being aware of their personal opinions, and let them forget about me. 

At least I have new clothes, nice ones. The best way to feel comfortable in public is to wear nice clothes.

You have to pack them though, in a suitcase that you must shepherd through a crowded public place, wearing normal clothes because your nice ones are packed in the suitcase, as you are saving them for when you need to be social among friends.

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