Sunday, June 2, 2024

Coffeeshop Maid of Honor


We landed at Sacramento Airport in the mid afternoon, claimed the rental car (which is a big hassle at that particular airport),  and drove south towards the state capital itself, then on to Modesto, where we checked into the a brand new residence stay inn on the north edge of the city, just off highway 99, which is lined with flowers on the berm in that part of the state.

The next day we had to ourselves. We drove downtown in mid day and explored the old streets. We went to the historical museum, which was a delight. Then we drove the downtown streets along the route of the old cruisers circuit, which was made famous in the 1973 movie American Graffiti, which was written and directed by local native George Lucas, who would go on to make Star Wars. The movie takes place over the course of a night in 1962, following a group of high school classmates who have just graduated. Jessica hadn't seen it yet, I described it for her.

We parked and had lunch at a local restaurant that she chose. It was apparent it had stared in a food truck and moved indoors. After lunch walked across the street to a delightful tiny coffee ship. We almost didn't go in. As we ordered our drink to go, I chatted up the staff, a young man and a young woman, of college age, asking them if they were locals. Yes, they said. 

They asked about us. Scottsdale, we said. What brings you to town? A wedding. 

Who, they asked? I said the son of one of my high school friends. 

Jessica interruped me. She knew they were asking about the local angle, and she supplied the name of the bride. They recognized it. Oh yes, we know her. Her maid of honor works here.

It was a delightful moment. I felt we'd been rewarded by the city for our earnestness in learning about its past.

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