Friday, January 6, 2023

There Will Be an Era of Peace

We just have to get to the other side.  

Watching this video this morning by favorite Catholic priest, the exorcist Chad Ripperger, who is speaking at my favorite Catholic parish, St. Mary's of Pine Bluff.  Lots of good stuff about the evil in the Church right now. It's a long video, but easy listening and flies right by.  

It's like listening to a spiritual version of everything I've been saying about physics being corrupted, and over exactly the same time frame. Imagine that. He even mentions the ritual at the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which I mentioned in my talk about CERN.

We are currently in the "fifth stage of modernism", the Draconian Phase, according to Father Ripperger. Good news is all the new clergy are hard orthodox. "The demons know they are losing control." 

Loved the discussion of the virtue of circumspection.

For the record here are the Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance

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