Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Breaking of the Left

Then all the Captains of the West cried aloud, for their hearts were filled with a new hope in the midst of darkness. Out from the beleaguered hills knights of Gondor, Riders of Rohan, Dunedain of the North, close-serried companies, drove against their wavering foes, piercing the press with the thrust of bitter spears. But Gandalf lifted up his arms and called once more in a clear voice:
'Stand, Men of the West! Stand and wait! This is the hour of doom.'

Tolkein tells us something very important in what Gandalf says from the hilltop here at Cormallen. It draws upon the entire long description in the novel of the forces of Sauron---a coalition in the grip of a madness of hatred against their foe, manifest in a willingness to destroy the other side completely without mercy.

Such a coalition can stay together so long as certain conditions are met. The coalition must be continually assured of victory, and also they must have their hatred pointed at a common enemy. If either of these things fails---if they are no longer assured of victory, or dissent rises in their ranks---then their forces will melt away, as they did at the climax of The Lord of the Rings.

The Left is extremely fragile at the moment. Their momentum in vandalizing property and erasing the American way of life depends on absolute conformity in repeating the slogans they want everyone to say, word for word, and also absolute conformity in whom you are to denounce and to hate.

Eventually all Leftist coalitions splinter as they attack each other and eat their own. The successful leftist revolutions that survive seem to occur only when one tiny faction can eliminate all its rivals even as they collaborate to achieve power.

As long as the Left focuses on the target in the White House and his followers, their coalition has held together. They have defied gravity with the disreality of the news spin supporting them, patching over one outrageous contradictory hypocrisy after another, ever larger and more bizarre to any rational standard. Their desperateness in pushing poll numbers shows how weak they are. It is a go-for-broke strategy to break the will and morale of our side.

It won't work, of course, but they have nothing else to try at this point, except to ramp up the intimidation.

Up until now, it seemed like nothing could break the coherency of the Left. Perhaps that's always how it seems, right before a coalition of hate crumbles. But things are going so fast that the revolution needs more targets than even the deplorable Bad Man supporters can furnish. The haters are hooked on the drug of other people submitting to their will. They've tasted it and they like it a lot. They want more of it.

The Bad Man and his supporters refuse to do this for them. There is no hope of us submitting to them, they know. But their own followers on the Left have demonstrated that they will do almost anything to appease them, and then ask for more humiliation.

This weekend I saw a glimpse of who the next wave of hatred targets of the Left will be: white women.

By this I don't mean white women who are Trump-supporting conservatives. They are already a lost cause to the Left. The rage mob knows that conservative women will just give them the proverbial middle finger again, No submission fix there.

But progressive white women, the ones who have been on their side up until now---that's a different story. White progressive women---college-educated liberals---have been the foot soldiers of the Left  for decades, including lately on social media, where they function somewhat in the same social-conformity role as the moral-enforcing female populations of frontier towns. Without them, the Left would never have gotten where it is at the moment.

The key phrase to look out for, that has been trending, is white savior. It is a derisive term used by haters all races on the Left to indicate the mentality of white women who want to play a significant allyship role in helping achieve racial justice, and who think that they have earned esteem by living lives in accordance with the values in the slogans everyone is chanting. It is exactly these women thought they were being asked to do, and they have happy to do it.

Of course it was indeed what they were being asked to do--up until now. Now it is their turn to be hated for all these same things, and to grovel in submission simply because they had the audacity to think they were doing some kind of good. In the white savior oriented dogma, they are just another form of white supremacy. They will told they are perhaps the worst kind of all.

White progressive women know how to apologize in the correct way for things done as individuals before they knew better. They have learned the right way to repent for being on the wrong side of ever-shifting rules of language and behavior. I'm sorry I wore that shirt, rooted for that team, took that college course, or saw that movie. Now they will be targets specifically because they are white women, and no other reason, because it obscures the prominence of women of other races.

It won't be a soft judgment. There is literally no escape from it. They will be asked to accept that they are the worst obstacle to racial justice, worse than even the conservatives.

The activist voices who have been criticizing white savior women have been around a while, of course, but up until now, the Left has been able to keep them from gaining prominence. Now these voices are taking center stage. They are not going to give up the microphone. They are going to drive home their points.  Trying to appease them will only make them hate their targets even more.

The worst brunt of this will be felt by the white women in Pop Culture, who have been told the future of media exposure, including getting top billing in the Hollywood blockbusters, news anchor desks, and streaming shows, belongs to them. It turns out that prominence was actually racism in disguise. They will need to cede the spotlight of first-tier Celebritydom to others more deserving. Not at all of them will be happy to do this. They will look for support and find none from anyone.

The same situation will play out in petty ways across the country inside corporations, news organizations, television networks, graduate schools, college administrations, public agencies, and above all within political parties. The forgetting, if not the downright repudiation, of white saviordom will be required to stay part of the in group.

The folks within the Democratic Party probably understand it too, and they are hard at work in their punditry labs, figuring out a way to splice the genetic code of white progressive feminism back into the race-centered movement in the War on Trump. They will need some kind of event or twist of the news to make white feminists feel righteous again for their own sake, as white feminists, one that is theirs to own as women, despite being the wrong race. The tricky part is that this must all happen without lessening the intensity of the race-hate furor, the leaders of which will refuse to cede even a smidgen of the spotlight.

It may work, but I doubt it. Things are moving way too fast. The white women who have won their place at the front of the vehicle will not want to go back several rows again so quickly. Of course any white savior women who find themselves in this situation are very welcome to join our side. There is zero initiation process. We don't browbeat you, or make you grovel and denounce anyone. Whatever you feel the need to repent for, when you come to our side, you are welcome to do so. All you have to agree with is the humanity of the people whom you used to hate (that is, us).

The stereotypes you think you'll find on our side have some grounding in truth, as all stereotypes do, but the malevolent characterizations you think are true are mostly creations of the people on your side. You'll find people of all races on our side, and even rainbow flag people too, if that's your thing. Just don't demand to make it all our thing.

Certainly don't have to become an economic conservative, or an acolyte of small government. Some on our side embrace that, but others actually want a muscular government within society. You can still be for many of the Bernie Sanders things, for example.  Almost all of us want legal rules for everyone that all can agree on. We want a government on all levels that remains in obeyance with what the Law says a government itself can do, even if that means we can't do all the things we'd like to do at the moment, that we think might be good for the nation. 

We can hash everything out later, about how things are done, the way people of good faith used to do in government. It's a lot slower than revolution, sometimes as slow as planting a tree that you know you will not live to see grow to maturity, but it is a process that actually works. We can't follow your current dystopian fantasy woven by the redefining of words into slogans-as-weapons, but want to help get to the place you really want to go to.

Some issues may be very hard for you to come to grips with, as they are things you might very much disagree with at the moment, but with which almost everyone on our side agrees. But you are welcome here nevertheless. Few of us will harangue you about those, unless you may a big deal about it, the way a leftist would. You might come to understand our point of view on these issues, even if you don't adopt it right away. You may even change your mind on them too, as many people have done when they left the Left, even as they remain economic populists, and liberals on social issues.

There are kooks and bad apples on our side, as there are in any movement, including our opponents, a fact they would deny utterly, redefining their side to disinclude anyone whose behavior might be deleterious to their self image of wholesomeness. We know about the people on our side who cause trouble. You have never cease to remind of them---the same set of examples over and over, the total of which is less than the number of such examples we could cite from your side in the last month alone, but which you deny complete responsibility for. Don't worry. After you defect to our side, you can disavow all of them immediately. You will want to disavow them.

We generally wish violence on nobody, even the leaders of your side that we cannot abide. It should be noted, however, that many people who defect to our side seem to find a sudden appreciation for the Second Amendment that they never had before.

You might even see the Bad Man in a new light. You might not mind some of the things that used to bother you about him. You might understand his humor, and his unique style of public communication in a way that is appealing. You might see his love for other people and the country.

His rallies are awesome. We're fun, a lot of us, even as we have to speak to other in cryptic gallows humor much of the time lately, knowing what faces us, and knowing what the other side would do to us, if they ever got the chance. Those ropes around the necks of statues---we know full well where many of them would prefer to place them.

We understand that if even after you come over to our side, you might need to keep it  all on the down low for the moment. Those of us who have already outed ourselves will not demand the same of you. We 're so far apart from the mandate of public slogan repetition on the other side. You can still pretend to be one of them, if you need to in public, at work, and even in church We get it. You'll see how easy it is to fool them, painfully easy, even as they could not imitate us accurately to ourselves even to save their lives. They know only the caricature, which is as easy for us to see as the color of the clothes they wear.

But you may want to stand up, even amidst your initial fear, when their intimidation fails to cower you sufficiently any longer. It feels very good, actually, to know that others may look to your example for their own courage.

We're going to win. Over here you'll be on the real winning side for change. You won't laugh at and hate the leftists that you left behind, in real life and on social media. You'll feel pity for them, even love for them, as they scream in hatred at you, and hope and pray for them come to their senses.

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