Friday, June 1, 2018

The Transitioning of Shadows Before Dawn

Rising before dawn, one sees the bright moonlight differently then in the evening after sunset, which is how I have seen it most of my life.

When one expects deep darkness at an hour, it is startling, even shocking, to wake up to the delineated contrast of the milky glow on the patio pavement alternating with the deep shadows cast by the side of the house..

In modern times, with our typical hours, we tend to experience the emergence of the full moon from its playful debut on the horizon in gradual increments of increasing radiance towards its solo performance is blazing whiteness against the night sky..

To view the reverse outside my window as the dawn approaches---the powerful orb on dark blue sky losing its shadow-casting power while still so bright---is a curious phenomenon that captures my attention, and distracts me from an attempt to read an essay on French poetry before breakfast.

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