Thursday, May 31, 2018

Hacking With Bach

Today I finished my work a little earlier---by around noon, so when I went out onto patio to take a dip in the pool, and brought my new bluetooth speaker, it was not playing jazz but classical music, specifically Mozart's 39th Symphony.

I usually do classical in the morning, specifically short Bach pieces in between note-taking of the video lectures for my computer science courses (three different courses each day, mainly from M.I.T.  but also one from Stanford).

Bach is fantastic for relaxing one's mind after bearing down on highly technical subjects. In fact, this is how I became such a music fanatic recently after going years hardly listening to music at all. I needed this kind of break, something that kept my mind going, but in a way that was sideways to way one uses with my computer science and engineering.

It varies day by day, but by the end of the third class in the morning, I will have often moved from Bach onto Haydn, or, as today Mozart.

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