Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Routine Aquinas

Every day lately begins much the same. Since coming back from France, I get up around 4 a.m., give or take a half hour. Then I go out onto the patio and sit in the darkness, in prayer and meditation for a half hour. Then I go inside to my office desk and use the iPad in the darkness to read scripture in night mode, white on black text.

By then I'm ready for coffee. I go into the kitchen and turn on the electric kettle, which I make sure to fill with water the night before. The blue electric light comes on, and I go back to my office and open up Youtube red on the iPad, and then scroll to my philosophy playlist, where I tap on the video for the audiobook of Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas. While the kettle heats up---it takes a while, I listen to some of the audio recording, usually just a few moments.

While I do this, I often turn my office chair to face the open window, looking east. By then the twilight will have spread out against the mountains, halfway up into the sky.

I'm about half-way through the seven-hour recording of Summa Theologica (I'm currently on Question 11 of Part I). I've actually been at it since before France. I don't know how long it will take me to get through, probably the entire summer at least. It feels pleasing to follow through on a plan.

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