Friday, February 17, 2017

In Which I Start Uploading Youtube Videos

On a pure whim last night, while lying on the couch and thinking over the recent events involving the great Youtube star PewDiePie, I had a thought, something in the manner of the famous meme One-Percent Cat, which found its way into conscious words of the sort "I should make Youtube videos."

The inspiration found immediately traction in my mind, and transformed into a resolve almost immediately. As all such inspirations usually have as the origin some expressible motivation, int his case mine could be formulated as "I want to understand how it all works."

That is, it occurred to me how much Youtube (and other platforms of user video) are really kicking the ass of the old media. As in the past, when I've joined other social media platforms (including this very one I'm using to type this post), I have often done so out of curiosity for "how it all works." That is, the world is changing through technology, and I want to know how the gears and pulleys are operating in a basic sense. This has been a very fruitful strategy in the past for revealing the underlying dynamics of the change, and given me great peace over time. I had long resisted making videos, thinking I had no talent nor desire to share thoughts and experiences this way, but last night I guess I finally reached the threshold where my curiosity got the better of me.

So without further ado, here's my first little video, just a spontaneous narration of my intent of this project while looking out over our back patio in Fountain Hills. I better post it now before I lose my nerve out of repulsion for the sound of my own voice, that universal revulsion we all seem to share in the era of recorded sound (I wonder if Richard Burton and Ronald Colman felt the same way).

Please note the sky is rather dark this morning, because a huge storm front is coming through from the East. How appropriate.

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