Monday, February 20, 2017

Feminism Now Means Submission to Islam

For several years running now, one of the great mysteries of political analysis has been the curious alliance between western SJW Leftists and Muslims advocating Shariah Law. The fact that the two are so far apart in ideology on many points (e.g. that Shariah laws advocates the execution of women for being raped, or for anyone having homosexual sex) seems to be of no concern to Leftists, who may easy alliance with Muslims who openly express their desire to transform the western world into an extension of the Arab one, something they see as their ultimate goal and destiny.

On the surface, this can apparently be easily resolved by resorting to the principle of the "enemy of the enemy is my friend." To wit, both SJW Leftist and Muslims desire to tear down the remnants of the Christian-dominated west and replace it with a society of their own imagining. The idea among many Leftists perhaps is that Islam will never really have much traction in the west beyond a subculture, and in time they can be introduced to progressive ideas as well.

But I don't think that addresses the entire issue. I think something deeper is at work that speaks of a deeper transformation going on in western society, namely the end of progressive culture altogether. As I write this, I would assert that western civilization has fallen into so much decay and cultural rot as to have left the majority of its people in a feeble and miserable condition, rootless and bereft of meaning in their lives.

Progressive Leftists feel this as much as anyone else, and this is why they scream for ever greater acceleration of changes to accommodate more degradation, especially anything having to do with sexual license and the erasure of any constraint on sexual behavior (except among straight men).

In the conservative (Christian) viewpoint, such a course only leads to great misery, but the path of sin is one that makes the sinner believe that even greater sinning is always the answer.  The Leftists (libertine) response to this is something along the lines of "f@ck you and your morality," accompanies by a "Hail Satan" for good measure.

Yet they do yearn for a way out of the misery. The soul hungers for some kind of salvation from the desolation of postmodern existence. Where does it come from?

This is where Islam enters the picture. It offers all the convenience of a stern morality that demands submission to a set of rules, but without the horrible inconvenience of a surrender to the hated Christians. In one feel swoop, a young woman who has spent year youth accumulating sexual partners can don a hijab and declare herself morally clean again. Although this hasn't happened yet en masse among millennials, I believe that as a group, progressives recognize the appeal of this, and are fascinated by this possibility of salvation from their madness.

We begin to see the fascination grow, bit by bit. SJWs announce "I'm a Muslim too" on Twitter with a hashtag, partly as a rebuke to Trump and his followers, but also with a deeper sense of putting one foot towards an option towards future conversion to Islam. They stand at hushed attention in Times Square as the Muslim call to prayer is broadcast.

They yearn for purity and salvation. They are tired of Satan worship. Islam begins to seem like a possibility. It does not demand that one change one's inner being at all. One can still be as judgmental. In fact, one is encouraged to be a warrior, and to force others to submit. This is something that SJWs love. There is almost no downside.

Sure they have to jettison the concept of sexual immorality, abortion, homosexuality, etc., but this is exactly what they are actually yearning to do. The women have to submit to the patriarchy again, but likewise this is something most feminists secretly yearn for in any case.

Things are moving fast. By next year I predict all these trends will be common knowledge in the cultural discourse.

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