Friday, March 18, 2016

The Rise and Fall of the Establishment

In the context of the crazy times, many people are using the term Establishment quite a bit lately.

Ironically, that's exactly the concept I spent many years researching, with my friend Thor.

Summed up in one big huge word, we were studying the Establishment. As it happens, the very word and concept as we know it was coined and adopted to refer to a specific group of individuals, some of whom I have already introduced to you via this blog.

The quest to understand these individuals and their actions in history led us down many rabbit holes, ones that stripped away our previous concepts and conceits about politics, America, and world history (and moreover about human nature).

It was a brutal quest. Thor wound up in the hospital for a year, and almost lost his life. I wound up roaming the country and the world as a digital vagabond. We are both still reeling from the effects.

Fortunately I was able to find answers, almost at leisurely pace, and having done so, I now feel at great peace, with an ability to stand aside of the craziness, and to empathize with those who are struggling with apparent disintegration of their world-reality.

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