Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why I Abandoned the Environmental Movement

In short, because of crap like this piece in Salon. I can't have anything to do with any movement pushing the kind of rhetoric in that piece.

Look, I get it. You think the atmosphere, oceans, flora, and fauna of the Earth's natural environment, as well as its landscapes and seascapes, are endangered by the seemingly dauntless advance of modern civilization. If one values those things---and what decent person wouldn't?---then one must somehow to check the deletrious effects that human civilization seems to have on the various portions of the globe. If one thinks of posterity, one imagines they will value our attempts to bequeath them the same remaining portion of bounty that we ourselves have inherited.

But you go perverting science like this piece does---I mean perversion in the wickedest sense of the word---then you can not only count me out, but you can count me a fierce opponent. In fact, you will have earned my deep contempt.

At least the Creationists have the guts to admit that relying on the Bible in a debate about geology is outside the scientific method. They admit that they are pushing an ideology. They admit they are promoting a religion.

I would love to come back to the Environmental movement someday. In fact, I think they'll get your wish fulfilled, in terms of what they are really looking for. 

To them I saw: your goals will be achieved, but only if you abandon your methods. Just like Russia became prosperous and egalitarian far beyond the dreams of the any early Bolsheviks, so too will you achieve what you want.

Good luck on finding that path.

According to our beloved mentor Quigley, it has been known since 1964 that the world population would naturally level off at around ten billion in the mid Twentieth Century, then drop off fairly quickly. That's Chapter One, actually. Keep that in mind.

And for the record, we humans are not tenth-level maggots, either. I can't prove that. It's my own religious belief.

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