Sunday, July 20, 2014

Jerry Brown For President

Slogan: Face it, America, He's all that's Left.

Jerry Brown is the obvious choice for U.S. President in 2016. Among other things, he would be a great uniting figure. As a former Mayor of Oakland and Governor of California over many decades, he has impeccable liberal-progressive credentials. He knows how to make the machine of government work in way that keeps folks mostly happy that they are getting their piece of the pie. But at the same time he would be a very conservative president, in that he is an old white man, and is a product of the old Regime, and the old system. He cut his teeth and created his power base in a very Old School way. People will want that, after the chaotic madness of the Crypto-Marxist Obama and his handlers (the weirdest presidency since Warren Harding). America needs to gel on something solid again, and Brown will give them that. Also Righties should know that he would be perfectly willing to pivot to libertarian positions, if he felt the tides turning that way. His big issue in 1992 was the Flat Tax.These will be the concepts and the alliances that sweep him into office with a big Electoral College majority. It will be America's last great attempt to make the old way work. And who am I to say it won't?

Also perhaps he could still marry Linda Ronstadt and we could have a Hispanic first lady---with roller skates

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