Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Seeing Beyond the Tops of the Skyscrapers

The trail went down into the woods in steep switchbacks. After a few minutes I was completely out of view of civilization.

It had been a couple days since the last rain. The trail was muddy in a few spots, but manageable.

At one switchback, there was a small clearing where one could see through the trees towards downtown. Downtown was further away than I thought it would be. Moreover the tops of the buildings, even the Wells Fargo Center, were lower in altitude than where I was standing. It felt strange to be above the buildings that way.

Halfway down the mountain, I took the fork that cut laterally across the face of the ridge, descending several times into creeks. I paused at the bridges, in peaceful solitude, contemplating the gushing stream, swollen from recent downpours---the opulence of water in an Oregon spring.

After twenty minutes I finall saw civilization again, in the form of thick houses though the trees, and signposts at the trailhead.

I had no idea where I was. It didn't matter. I was curious to find out. Another Door of Portland was about to open.

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