Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The New Goal: The Radius Project

As I was driving up to Fort Collins, and thinking how I was going to be back in northern Colorado for a few months, I began think about how I could make the movie-going experience more fun.

I was already missing Massachusetts, and being able to explore the Boston area through my cinema obsession. Northern Colorado was so familiar to me. How could that same kind of excitement, from the same old places while I was here?

On the last day of my road trip, I hit on an idea to give myself so enthusiasm. I call it "the Radius Project." Basically it is the idea of seeing movies in every theater that is within a certain distance radius of my parents' house in Fort Collins. I decided to start with 100 miles as the radius distance, since that will bring it all the cinemas in the Denver area, and also some in Wyoming (the new New Hampshire of my moviegoing experience?)

I also decided that my trip to see Food Inc. in Boulder was officially the start of the project, so I can cross the Boulder Theater off my list.

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