Monday, August 2, 2021

Next Week, Business as Usual

 The prevailing expectation is that August will be a pivotal month, and that monumental things are currently underway. The expectation is that next week may be the week that everything breaks.

The idea is that the audits in Arizona and other states are forcing the hands of the Cabal. They are panicking. This is augmented by the symposium that Mike Lindell is giving on August 10-13 on the packet captures that he claims will prove beyond any doubt that there was massive foreign interference and manipulation in the 2020 election tantamount to an act of war. Lindell has been promoting this event as being the launching point for Biden's downfall and Trump's return.

Meanwhile the scuttlebutt is that the Cabal is panicking so hard that they are trying to restart the lockdown under the guise of the phony Delta variant, that supposedly even vacc'd people can contract (and for which there is not test, by the way---such is the phoniness of this all). Rumors are swirling that Biden will give a speech next week proclaiming a nationwide hard lockdown, as hard as the one in March 2020.  All of this will be as a last minute panicked distraction from the election audit news, and other things possibly happening next week.

The more conspiratorial minded folks assert that the impending hard lockdown will be accompanied by some time of Internet blackout that will force all information to come through mainstream sources. This will be accompanied by Antifa-instigated riots that will be blamed on Trump supporters. These people assert that Trump is already one step ahead of them, and will resort to the Emergency Broadcast System to reveal what is going on.

Wild. Odds are none of this will happen next week. That's just the odds, of course.

All of this will be playing out as we sit in a cabin the Colorado mountains. If I had to bet, I would bet that all that will happen by next week is that tensions over all these are even higher than there are right now.

The one prediction I can make with certainly is that if Biden and the Cabal go the route of imposing a new nationwide hard lockdown (and possibly mandating the vaccine in some way), then there is going to be massive noncompliance to the point of destroying the Cabal entirely. This may be part of the plan, to force them to make this move. It is too late for them to lock us down again. We are not going back to shutdowns . We are not going back to mask mandates. We are not going back. Now recall what I said above about Antifa riots in major cities being blamed on disgruntled Trump supporters. They want us to get violent and do their dirty work for us. If not, they will fake it and blame it on us (as they did on January 6th).

Of course if you believe in the Movie Theory, then this is all theater on the part of the Good Guys, to prepare us to understand and wake up. Part of the goal is to convince a substantial majority of the public that the news media is completely untrustworthy and spouts nothing but lies. If the Movie Theory is true, it would support the idea that next week will be anticlimactic for those expecting some sort of breakthrough. The ramp up to the revelation must be slow. It is torture for those wanting a big revelation, but it is what is necessary to finally wake everyone up.

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