Saturday, September 5, 2020

Quail Season, Little Rain

This year the heat is hardly giving us a break. The monsoon arrived, as a technicality, even before we left for Colorado in early in August, but it gave no rain to many parts of the Valley, including here, until after we got back in mid August. Last week it poured for a good hour straight after dark, but still early enough to enjoy it. The aroma and the wind were marvelous.  For a couple mornings the smell of rain greets you as you come onto the porch. But that has been the sum of the rain. The heat is unabated. It is perhaps one of those years that people talk about, when the heat stays long into the autumn.

The ironwood is unmoved in the creek bed. I see no rabbits now, but rather the flocks of Gambel's quail, and occasionally a road runner, which makes the day feel special to see one.

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