Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Boulder at its Boulderiest

 On the last segment of the driving portion of the trip, we stopped to buy groceries for the week. We detoured into Boulder and went to the Whole Foods that is part of the giant lifestyle center complex that replaced the demolished Crossroads Mall. Last year we went to Costco, but we deemed it better to avoid it this year, as we would not be preparing meals for the whole group on scheduled nights, as we had done in the past in agreement with my sisters. This year by mutual concession we were on our own.

The parking lot of the Whole Foods in Boulder was crowded. We got out in the hot sun. Everyone in the parking lot was wearing a mask. I kept my off until we reached the door, as I always do. There was a marked out to allow limited entrance, but fortunately the store was not too crowded and we were allowed to go directly inside and out of the sun. On the outside of the glass door, and on the glass windows next to the door was a quilt of at least twenty signs and announcements in various type faces, sizes, and colors. I barely had time to notice and read a single one of them before we went inside.

Later J told me one of the signs had advised the use of gloves while inside the store. We had seen a few customers wearing them in the aisles. 

"Boulder at its Boulderiest," I said, in the car, as we drove north out of the city past Iris and Jay Rd. 

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