Saturday, November 16, 2019

Deconstruction: The MVP

Now let us be in the air, just above the helicopter we saw. Let us see that it is a news helicopter from a local television station. For now, let's make it WBAL. We down through the blades which look like a blender that is scrambling the cars on the freeway, at the same time we see the still emptiness of ancient nearby rail yards. We can see much of the skyline, perhaps the City Hall, which we will see in close-up later during the cab ride.

Traveling above the helicopter let's hear the radio station announcer voice, from WBAL radio.

"WBAL News coming up in one minute...traffic report on the hour for early birds...speaking of birds...Birds!...we'll have American League MVP Frank Robinson on the air LIVE at noon to talk about...where do the Orioles go from here, in the off season,  But are you tired yet of being the World Capital of Baseball? I don't we are, Baltimore!"

We see also the same small detached house as in previous scene, where the lights came on. Now let us see, while we hear the radio announcer continuation, a young man come out the front door, dressed in suit and tie, and carefully ushering her very pregnant young wife down the steps and the sidewalk towards their 1962 Dodge Dart which is in the driveway.

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