Sunday, November 3, 2019

Deconstruction: Da Capo

In the very early light of morning from several thousand feet above we see the city, its downtown, its harbor, its freeways, its tall buildings, its transmission towers, and the neighborhoods beyond, visible and invisible through clouds. In the distance, at the same altitude as us, and moving away from us towards the city---a helicopter.

Down at ground level, in one of the close-in neighborhoods to downtown---the front of a brick church near to the street. A young priest in cassock is sweeping the front steps. A bell tolls. Nearby an ancient dive tavern, squeezed beside attached homes, is shuttered for the nightly respite it must take by law. In the window, an Orioles pennant. On the sidewalk an old man walks by.

In a residence nearby, through the bedroom window we see a television. Just as we see it the shot of flagpole with an American flag switches to showing the words "Mass for Shut-ins".

In another neighborhood, the tail lights of a police cruiser recede slowly down a narrow street.

Outside the entrance to a hospital, a resident walks up to the door to begin his shift.

In another neighborhood, with houses now detached a little bit, but still small ins size, a light goes on in a bedroom window.

Inside the hospital, in a small break room, we see the resident, now in his scrubs, sitting a table drinking a cup of coffee and talking with another doctor close-by.
On the wall, a calendar. October 1966

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