Sunday, March 5, 2017

Retweeted by a Catholic Priest

Over the weekend I passed a small milestone in my nascent career on Twitter by having what amounted to my first mini-viral Tweet.

I say "mini-viral" because my Tweet got "retweeted" (shared) by several dozen other people, which is an order of magnitude greater than any previous Tweet I had made. For someone like me who only joined last fall and who, at last count, has only 158 followers,  that's definitely an upgrade of achievemnt.

The reason my Tweet got so much traction is that it got retweeted initially by a Catholic priest who is popular among the Traditionalist community and who has many followers of his own. My Tweet was in fact a retweet and a restatement of something he himself had Tweeted. I provided a commentary on his Tweet by my own words. He liked my commentary and shared it on his feed with his followers. They saw his sharing as a sign of endorsement, and they echoed his approval with their own applause. So essentially I piggy-backed on his popularity.

What was my Tweet exactly? It was along the lines of how a church without a counter-narrative to Pop Culture has no appeal to youth, and thus has no future.

Among the other retweeters was another Catholic priest. I almost feel like I was in an Ecumenical Council.

You might notice that I haven't linked to my Twitter profile here. The reason for that is that I'm not yet ready to share my Twitter identity publicly. We live in strange times, after all, and there are often repercussions for sharing certain opinions. Moreover I use my Twitter account as much for research of others' opinons and sharing my own, so it may give the wrong impression.

Suffice it to say that my profile picture is that of a famous Twentieth Century physicist (whose name would not be readily known outside the physics community). Also I don't use my own name at all. Nobody would believe it anyway, as so many on Twitter have adopted a monicker with "Trump" in it as a kind of "I am Spartacus" phenomenon.

The only identifying thing in my profile for now is that my cover (background) photo is a scan of a page of my 1999 work on relativistic mechanics.

In any case, the priest whom I retweeted is now among my followers. I guess I gotta quit the clown act now and get serious.

If any of you out there want to follow me, and can't find me from the clues I've presented, you can DM me* and I'll share my handle with you. I'm vain, so I always want more followers.

*obviously not via Twitter, or else you would know my identity already.

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