Sunday, March 5, 2017

March the Fourth Be With You

Keeping Up With the Zeitgeist is a Full-Time Job. No wonder they pay people to do it. In any case, it was an interesting weekend. Trump's "my campaign was bugged" Tweetstorm in the early morning hours of Saturday the 4th, a day already scheduled for nationwide pro-Trump demonstrations, seems to have been a watershed moment in this drama

Woman shows her displeasure at a speaker at pro-Trump rally in Portland, Oregon. March 4, 2017.  (cf. Autistic Screeching meme, regarding the title of the video)

Comment: the full-scale meltdowns are happening everywhere now. Loretta Lynch, the former Attorney General of the U.S. , just made a video in which she praised the "blood" and "death" of people in the streets in previous protests (see below). Her words were taken by some as indicating we need more of this. She spoke of  "our rights being trampled." What does she mean, exactly? As far as I can see, what she means by this is her right to exercise power, and her right to control the narrative. The Left sees these as "equal rights" because of their claim that "white males, etc." had these "rights" for so long, and now the principle of equality demands that they get to exercise these rights for the foreseeable future (i.e. equality via historical balance). 
Meanwhile the new hero on the Right is a guy known as "Based Stick Man", a newly minted meme referring to a pro-Trump demonstrator who was arrested following this incident in Berkeley, California on Saturday. He is shown in the video attacking an "Antifa" demonstrator who had shown up to disrupt the rally (and presumably cause mayhem).  The_Donald has a good send-up of this in the form of a Wikipedia article details box ("Third Battle of Berkeley", see below). As someone who does a lot of military history research on that site, I thought it was quite clever.

Comment: March 4 was the day that the Trump supporters, and the Right in general, began to fight back in earnest. Trump's Tweetstorm was arguably taken by many as a signal that the "war" is on, and that it was time to go on offense. No more passive resistance. This is the way it will be from now on. Blood is going to be shed. We will find out whose will is stronger. Is this what you meant, Ms. Lynch?

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