Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Seismic Shift Away from Hillary by the Elite

Wow.  Douglas Shoen disavows Hillary.

It took me a few days to process this, as people were talking about it. Now I realize they were right. This is huge. Can't emphasize this enough.

If one didn't know better, one would think that it was just the random opinion of a Fox New contributor, cutting Hillary loose. Fox News. Need I say more?

But Douglas Shoen is not just any Clinton supporter, or t.v. pundit. Not only is he a long-time associate of the Clinton Foundation, but he is a very-high level operative within the globalist network, and connected closely to the kingpin himself.

On the chessboard of geopolitics, Shoen is like a bishop serving the folks most forcefully pushing for a war between Russia and the United States. Hillary Clinton was essentially hired by them to deliver this war within her term as president.

Shoen would not make such a statement unless it had the blessings of very powerful people. He was, in effect, signaling their will to many others in the know.

Evidently Hillary is so toxic now, and the globalists are so backed into a corner by the heinous nature of what is coming out, and about to come out, that it appears that they finally are coming to inevitable conclusion that for the good of their own cause, she must be thrown to the wolves.

They are not going away, of course, but there is little they can do at this point but surrender the field. And to think, just a year and half ago, it was supposed to be Bush vs. Clinton, the ultimate Pepsi vs. Coke election for the globalists. Now it is all blown to pieces. Even if Hillary got elected at this point, she is toast. Checkmate.

It is thus not coincidental that the mainstream media has backed off the virulent anti-Trump messaging over the weekend, and even the New York Times has debunked the absurd Trump-Russia connection that the Clinton camp was pushing. A week ago they would not have bothered to do this.

It may well mean Hillary will get no pardon from Obama on the way out, and will likely wind up going to prison.

The election will still play out, of course. None of that changes. But it means that it will do so under conditions that actually may resemble a fair fight.

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