Friday, January 1, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Seen at: Cinemark 16 at 12:45 p.m. on Dec. 30.

I saw this with my old friend Smitty, who dropped me a line over the holidays. I had told him that I go to see all the movies that come out, and suggested we get together. He thought that was a great idea too, and Wednesday morning we arranged to see Sherlock Holmes later that day.

I was really looking forward to seeing this movie. It looked like it could be a lot of fun, and possibly a well-told story. I wasn't put off by its having been directed by Guy Ritchie.

What an awesome pleasure this way. Definitely one of the best movies of the year. Probably in my top ten.

Much of it was due to Robert Downey, Jr. Anyone else in this role would have made this a really bad movie.

Also it was just a well-told story---and (spoiler) no supernatural. Everything has naturalistic cover. So long as they keep that, I am willing to accept a wide latitude in the details and style of the Holmes character.

Smitty liked it too. We raved about together in the parking lot.

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