Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Breakthrough in Progressive Theory

By now, everyone is used to the idea that in Leftist theory, it is impossible to be racist against white people. This is because racism implies oppression, and only white people have the power to oppress other races.

The genius of Leftist theorists at rationalizing their actions is amazing. From a survey of social media comes the new Progressive meme, freshly forged in the laboratories of Critical Theory, namely that it is is impossible to commit violence against the Right (i.e. anyone who disagrees with the Left).

This is because true violence is to identified with the oppression of other classes. Thus physical assaults against anyone on the Right by definition cannot be violence because such attacks are not a form of oppression, bur rather a form of opposition to oppression.

By extension, one can claim that it is a form of violence not to physical assault "Fascists," since by failing to confront them in the most direct way possible, one is tacitly allowing oppression (i.e. real violence) to continue.

If you need help understanding this, think of Nazi Concentration Camps (the Ur-source of all righteousness by the Left). Was it violence for Allied planes to drop bombs on these camps and destroy them? Or was it violence not to drop bombs?

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