Friday, April 28, 2023

Sweet Home Portlandia

Apparently, judging from the Twitter posts I actually am motivated to make, I am still an Oregonian, still a Portlander.

Arizona has easy problems. Everything flows from the fact that the elections here are crooked. 

By contrast, Oregon is a sort of a basket case, as it always has been mostly, but it got its act together for a while after Tom McCall. I got to see the best of those years, and left just when it started to go bad in a way that is only getting underway.

I feel compelled to stay in the fight going on there. Who'd have known that my heart and soul belonged there still? When others give on something is usually when my interest turns towards it. 

I'll never move back there, though, at least not to anywhere west of the Cascades. The looming threat of the giant earthquake makes me think everyone who stays there is volunteering to be part of a mass human sacrifice event at some point. No thanks. So long as she still exists, however, I will love that place they came to call Portlandia until I die. I chose it, and now it still chooses me. 

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