Sunday, October 18, 2020

I Pledge Allegiance

 America is but a nation. It is neither sacred nor holy, since. no nation can be so 

But the concept of nations is endorsed by God in Scripture, strongly so. It is a concept that humanity should strive to preserve, as it does the idea of the family. They are different levels on a hierarchy that is earthly, and therefore less than God, who alone is completely holy.

I love my nation as I love my family. In moth cases, it is a complex love, as all human loves are complex. Part of that love involves honor of the past, which is in effect an extension of the Fourth/Fifth Commandment

There is a love I was given as a child, which is a love of the tradition of the founding of the nation, and its history. This is a love that active in me despite a consciousness of the aspects of the so-called negative parts of this story.

That this is possible is something I learned how to do a long time, during a Presidential Election, when I was a lot younger. It is what I saw in Mississippi.

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