Saturday, July 4, 2020

Early 2024 Election Returns

Enjoyed the President's speech from Mount Rushmore last night. Started very strong. Knew the left and the media would be soiling their pants hearing it.

Middle was a little dry--the history lesson about the four men on the monument. Not the President's strong suit, that style, but it was necessary and good for the President to make a public statement about the importance of those men, for the historical record.

Ending of the speech much was the strongest part. He delineated the war we are fighting: The Cultural Revolution vs. the American Revolution. Pick one. You can't haven't both.

With the flags around him below the monument it looked like America's last stand. If we lose, this will be the last Fourth of July as we have known it. Won't need to have it anymore.

Didn't care much for the Governor of South Dakota. The Republican Tulsi Gabbard (Yucch). Windblown woman. Pence's VP? Didn't like that she played host of the event, introducing others like the Secretary of the Interior. Governor shouldn't do that. Looked cheesy. Trying to get too much attention. She realized it was coming out moment. Trump supporters on Twitter were excited about her today. Obvious presidential ambitions. Last night looking at the t.v. screen I amused J by pretending to become a swami. "I see....hmmm....yes...a sixth place finish in Iowa."

Loved the music selection, especially the Neil Diamond. Was humming it today.

Dark and divisive? Sure, whatever. It's a dark moment of history. And we do need to divide who is our side and who is on the other side. Media whining meant the President did it right.

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