Saturday, July 13, 2019

The 2020s Ahead

Never in my life have I felt so disconnected from so many people. That is to say, I can think of so many people I once knew, as friends or intimates of acquaintance, with whom I am no longer in contact, and with whom I am estranged.

How this came to be this way is complicated, and that with each individual the story is different, yet I cannot help but see a commonality in the entire experience. On first glance, the commonality is me, yours truly, so of course I must look myself to see the reason for the brokenness.

Yet I also know I am far from alone in feeling this way, and that there is even an awareness among so many people of this disconnectedness with each other in a way that strikes many of us as unprecedented in recent human history.

We look around to assign blame for this situation, even as we acknowledge our own responsibility and collective.  Easy targets are found in the outside world. Ideologies are built to combat the forces of divisiveness with appeals to action within the realm of the world. We are perhaps living in the height of the era of this type of solution---politically-centered, if you will.

Everything passes, not only eras within politics, but so will the era of politics as being the battlefield in which the great battles of the soul are fought. I suspect soon the era of politics will be resolved, at least for the moment, the next phase will shift to the religious and directly spiritual.

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