Saturday, May 20, 2017

Trump Astride History

Today was an amazing today, with Trump's arrival in reception in Saudi Arabia. It is probably the biggest paradigm-shattering moment in world history since Reagan.

You probably don't realize that, I suppose, if you have been following the mainstream media, or even most bloggers. Thankfully I've been following one of the few clear voices with a rational understanding of recent events, a fellow named Thomas Wictor on Twitter (@ThomasWictor). Without his insights, I'd probably be flailing in my understanding as well, but I was lucky to stumble across his account at just the right time, a couple months ago.

I could write a lot about this, suffice it to say that Wictor is of the opinion that Trump is one of the most transitional figures in American history, and that most of his supporters "don't deserve him" because they are too fearful, and take too many things at face value (e.g. all the BS about leaks and "Trump being in trouble," etc.). Trump is firm control of things. He is playing the media for chumps and nearly all the leaks are coming from him, ultimately to destroy the media by showing them for fools.

But all this pales in comparison to the end of the Middle East wars, which are we are now approaching. Among Wictor's specific talents is an ability to dig deep into the study of Middle Eastern munitions and the order of battle of the wars raging there. He has convinced me and others through persistence that we are the threshold of amazing change there, of an era of peace that few could have foreseen even a year ago. If you want to know more, check out his Twitter.

I find myself in a curious position, as someone who long ago came to the conclusion that the leadership of the Saudi kingdom was in cahoots with the attack on 9/11. But there is new leadership there. Among other things, the kingdom was reeling. We beat them in the oil war through fracking. This is Glasnost all over again. This is victory.

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