Friday, December 23, 2016

The Fleeting Dream of a World Without White People

The election is finally over. Now begins the Season of Hate.

Everything about Donald Trump, and what he represents, must be confronted in the starkest and strongest of terms with condemnation.

Meanwhile overseas in Europe, after the Berlin attack, the Christmas markets are suddenly in the crosshairs. Anyone who has been to Europe recently with open eyes could see this coming. Two years ago Red and I delighted in the autumn markets in Basel, Barcelona, and small towns in France. One could see the conflict coming. Since then, a million immigrants from Africa and the Middle East have entered Germany.

In London, on Christmas eve, I strolled through Hyde Park. I saw more women completed covered, Saudi Arabian style, than with their faces uncovered. That evening I went to the Christmas market in Leicester Square, humming with lights and joyful activity. Something had to give.

My observation is that when Muslims come into a country, they tend to clump in communities, where they can essentially re-create a situation as close as possible to their homelands. But beyond that, they tend to take over and dominate the public squares especially after dark. I saw this in Gothenburg, Sweden. During the day, the downtown mall near the train station was filled mostly with groups of white young women. During the evening, they were replaced by groups of Arab young men.

Something had to give.

Christmas Markets are a direct challenge to the takeover of nighttime public spaces by the immigrants. Christmas is an "in-your-face" affront to the religious sensibilities of many of them. In their homelands, such displays would not be tolerated, where Christians live in subservience to the majority culture of Islam. European Christians must learn to live in this way as well. Immigrants are outright encouraged to feel outrage by many native Germans, Britons, and Swedes, whose attitude is that "it is we who have to change our behavior, not the immigrants."

The can of worms is now open. Whether there is another attack on the markets this season, we are surely facing the same thing next year and beyond. This will be on-going. It will be the new normal for a while. Christmas displays will be guarded by armed policemen. After each attack, Europeans will be reminded by their governments and by the press that any backlash against Muslims will not be tolerated.

Please welcome the replacement citizens of your country. You are now outdated because you are white, and that makes you scum.

White people need to die off. White people are what is wrong with the world. White people have caused the majority of the world's ills. Without white people, the world can finally experience true social justice, peace, and universal prosperity.

That statement I wrote in the last paragraph is pretty much the gospel of most state universities in America lately. You can get your degree without learning any science, math, or foreign languages, but by gum, you are going to learn that white people need to go. To utter a phrase such as "I think white culture is fine, and I think white people have an inherent right to live and exist" is considered tantamount to cross-burning by many college administrators at this point. Such sentiments must be extinguished with extreme prejudice, and anyone uttering such things must be put through diversity training and to rid themselves of their thought crimes. Anything less is "doing violence against other races."

Having said all of that, I actually believe we have reach Peak Anti-White Hate. The hatred for white people, white culture, and white civilization is, to my mind, a core philosophic tenet of what I label as the Establishment as it has existed since World War II. That we are at Peak Anti-White Hate, with the open declaration that any defense of white people is tantamount to a desire of genocide of the other races, is a sign that the Establishment is in its death throes, and that the tide is turning in a massive way.

We MUST become a brown nation. WE ARE GOING TO BECOME A BROWN NATION WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.  Darker skinned people are simply culturally and morally superior to white people. We will all benefit as the population shifts to darker hues of skin over time.

One is likely to hear this quite loud and insistently from Establishment supporters over the next year, as they attempt a rear guard action to stop the great turning of the tide that is underway. They can sense that they have lost the mandate of history in the fight against Whiteness, one they have held since the Second World War, the lesson of which (we are now told) is that all white people, including all white Americans, are responsible for all of Hitler's crimes.

I love the Communist-style doublethink that goes into this line of reasoning. One of my favorites is that it is impossible to be against white culture, because white culture doesn't exist. Likewise one cannot be against White People because whiteness is a pure social construct (this is best articulated with a trendy sophisticated accent). These people have no idea how stupid and bigoted they are going to look in the eyes of later generations.

It has been long time that we have lived under this ideological regime. But nothing lasts forever. The change will be traumatic for many, especially those who have bought hard-core into the tenets of Communism and the idea that they can always take a easy morally superior stance by condemning White people and Whiteness. This stance will continue to work among their fellow travelers, but in the arena of the culture at large, it has lost its reign in the bully pulpit. No longer will they have the public sphere to themselves. From now on, there will be pushback, no matter how much they disclaim it as "White Supremacy."

But they will not go down without a fight. It's going to be frenzied and very loud. Ideologies that have been in place for the better part of a century will not go down easily. But there is no going back. Never again will we have unchallenged Anti-White Hate as we have had over the recent decades, especially since the 1990s.

This is my main prediction for 2017, I think, everything I just wrote above. It's the main point of my trend analysis. I didn't see this coming at all. We'll see if I'm right.

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