Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer has a David L. Cooper Soundtrack

My favorite Sky Lounge ear bud listening right now. I really like "Claude's Odds," in which Cooper accompanies a recording of T.S. Eliot reading Burnt Norton.

I like the arrangement order of the nineteen pieces too, the way it builds up to heavy bass tracks, as in "Harm Money." After that, "Winged Lump" feels like the theme of a Seventies t.v. show that was never made.

Probably my favorite so far is "Plane Glazed." I love the crowd laughter soundtrack at the end, after the music stops. What are those people laughing at? I imagine they represent somehow the laughter of ridicule that everyone hears who attempts to bring something of creative value to the world. This is especially true of my generation, I think, since we were so inculcated in a necessity for expressing all of our thoughts and feelings through irony. The only pure expression is to mock yourself as you are doing it, and be your own ridiculer. Somehow you have to do it anyway.

Or maybe the musician did a funny physical gag on stage with a banana right at the end of the song.

Full disclosure: Coop is a good friend of mine of many years.

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