Friday, February 7, 2014

Streets like County Roads in SW Portland

In the bright morning, out the patio doors, one could see an inch or two of powder on the ground.  All was calm. Much of the patio had been blown clear.

Around noon, I bundle up and walk out into the parking lot with my snow boots on. Temperature not bad. I notice the tracks of the cars that have already exited. Many tracks. Deep tread. No wipe outs.

I walk up the hill to the main road. It seems easily climbable by cars, thoroughly packed down already.

Then on the sidewalk of Capitol Highway, I look down into Hillsdale proper, past the bars and towards the main business strip by the stop lights.. The pavement should be clear by now, but instead it is covered with white snow and patches of grey melting slush. It is delighfully rural in character.

Another round of snow coming tonight.  Been following it on the College of DuPage satrad web page (try "Norther Hemisphere IR" on the little menu). On the experimental side of physics, I've always been a sucker for fluid dynamics.

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